Morrow, Carolyn A.
- 1987-1989: Master of Fine Arts (MFA), Dramatic Writing, Tisch School of the Arts, New York
- 1989-1991: Story Editor: Film & Theater Production Co / Instructor: Writing, New York University
- 1992-1997: Masters in Theater (MA) – Adjunct Professor: Acting, Binghamton University, NY.
- Seit 1997: Writer and Instructor (Colleges, Private Schools or VHS): Acting, Screen/Playwriting, Literature, Writing, Storytelling, Creative & Lively seminars for teachers of English
- 2009-2011: Certificate of Advanced Graduate Studies (CAGS) in the Expressive Arts, European Grad. School, Switzerland. Current: Speaker and Private Coach using Expressive Arts.
Themenschwerpunkte und Interessengebiete
- Creating a dynamic and safe space in which students can freely express themselves. Encouraging a sense of ease and play – within the context of language-learning, creative expression or, simply, within one’s life.
- Acting Courses or Creative Seminars for Teachers: Helping individuals experience and identify unique natural resources. Developing clarity and radiance of body & voice. Improvisational exercises that inspire authentic, free, and surprising interactions.
- Storytelling, Writing, and Language and Literature courses: Awakening new ideas, sensory perception, memory & association, thoughtful contemplation, and inspirational sharing.
Die Münchner Volkshochschule ist für mich...
reliable, ever-expanding, genuinely committed to teachers and community.
Carolyn Morrow ist an der MVHS seit 2009 tätig und arbeitet als Dozentin im Fachgebiet Englisch.
Programme in English: Oh Life - a Workshop in Expressive Writing and Artful Presentation
Fr. 16.05.2025